Acknowledgements from PSPE
The Management Board of the Polish Association of Nurses Epidemiological sends thanks for the Best Medical Innovations.
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XVIII Congress of PSPE in Wisla
16-19. 04.2015, Best Medical Innovation for the first time participated in the XVIII Congress of PSPE in Wisla. During the four-day meeting discussed issues related to the prevention of nosocomial infections. Was related to both the substantive aspects as well as practical issues. During the Sunday session, Professor Sir Henry and Joanna Stryczewska Pawłat of […]
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Conference in Krakow
On 03/18/2015, our company took part in the Malopolska Association Training Committees and Teams for. Nosocomial Infections Fri. “The threat of multidrug-resistant strains of Malopolska.” The training was attended by about 200 participants. Subjects discussed concerned both the prevention and the fight against outbreaks of multidrug resistant strains of bacterial infections in medical facilities. Our […]
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Exclusive distribution Novaerus products.
Novaerus system, designed for use in hospitals, nursing homes, residences residential care workers and other health care facilities, provides significant benefits related to health and the environment and the costs incurred by patients, staff and gości.System Novaerus eliminate all viruses from the air, bacteria, pathogens, mold, allergens and odors using a proprietary technology, the field […]
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